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    SECRETARIAT NOTE: This Recognition appears for the first time in the current draft in response to a delegation request that key management be presented as one solution for governments to balance the concerns listed in the previous paragraph [12]

[14] VII. CONSIDERING that the inherently global nature of the developing GII/GIS necessitateÓ international co-operation on policymaking, including policy-making on cryptography issues, and that implementation of incompatible national policies will not meet the needs of individuals, business and governments for worldwide technologies and applications;

[15] VIII. RECOGNISING that, although national policies should be internationally co-ordinated, this Recommendation of the Council does not affect the sovereign rights of national governments in respect of public safety, law enforcement and national security, and that the Guidelines contained in the Annex to this Recommendation are always subject to the requirements of national law;

[16] Further recognising that, in the particular case of federal countries, the implementation of this Recommendation may be affected by the division of powers in the federation;


    SECRETARIAT NOTE: In response to the 15 July draft, one delegation suggested that the Guidelines should deal only with Òinternational tele- and IT-applicationsÓ The delegation calls for a statement that individual countries have the right to national policies for domestic/national tele- and IT-applications While countries undoubtedly have a right to distinct national policies. the Secretariat believes that one of the purposes of these Guidelines is to inform national governments on domestic policy-making which has international implications.

[17] -- establish policies, methods, measures, practices and procedures to reflect the Principles concerning cryptography policy set forth in the Guidelines contained in the Annex to this Recommendation, which is an integral part hereof;

[18] -- take into account in their domestic policies and legislation the Principles concern cryptography policy set forth in the Guidelines contained in the Annex to this Recommendation;

[19] -- take into account when developing their domestic policies and legislation, and when implementing the Guidelines contained in the Annex to this Recommendation, the Recommendation of the Council concerning Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data of 23 September 1980 [C(80)58/FINAL] and the Recommendation of the Council concerning Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems of 26 November 1992 [C(92)188/FINAL];

[20] -- consult, co-ordinate and co-operate at the national and international level in the implementation of the Guidelines set forth in the Annex to this Recommendation;

[21] -- agree as expeditiously as possible on specific initiatives for the application of the Guidelines set forth in the Annex to this Recommendation;

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